Promote the IPT

The IPT is an excellent introduction to the world of research, where participants have to develop their own models, follow their intuition and be aware of their own limitations. However, such skill can be tested and improved only through constructive discussion with their peers. The competition itself, where the participants discuss their solutions is the key to that learning process, and gathering as many participants as possible will ensure a high variety of opinions and broad-minded discussions.

You can help us to attract more and more participants to the Swiss Selection by talking to your colleagues, friends, teachers or students about the tournament. The following promotional material is designed to this aim, do not hesitate to use it !

Presentation of the Tournament and Swiss Selection 2017 – English

Presentation of the Tournament and Swiss Selection 2017 – French

Summary of the Tournament by the Swiss team leader – English

Originally published in the Swiss Physical Society Communications n.55


Summary of the Tournament by a Swiss participant – French

To be published in the Swiss Physical Society Communications


Summary of the Swiss Selection 2016 – French

Originally published in the Swiss Physical Society Communications n.48


Interview at the Swiss Radio about the tournament – French

CQFD – 21.04.2014

Physique: tournoi international à l’EPFL

Une compétition très originale débute à l’EPFL, le lundi 21 avril 2014. L’International Physicists’ Tournament (IPT) réunit une quinzaine d’équipes de physiciens de différents pays pour une joute intellectuelle amusante.

Vivien Bonvin, doctorant à l’EPFL en Astrophysique et chef du comité d’organisation local de l’IPT, présente les particularités de ce tournoi international au micro d’Adrien Zerbini.


Articles about the tournament – English & French

Announcement of the IPT 2015, published in Flash Newspaper n.07 – 2014

Announcement of the IPT 2014, published in Flash Newspaper n.03 – 2014

Summary of the IPT 2013, published in Flash Newspaper n.04 – 2013